Handgun Laser Sights: Pros and Cons


Handgun Laser Sights: Pros and Cons

What do laser sights actually do? When are laser sights worth it, and when is it okay to take a pass? What are the benefits of installing a laser sight on your pistol?

Today in the LaserMax Blog, we are looking at the best laser sight uses and why you should consider one for yourself.

Pro: Faster Target Acquisition

Laser sights are small battery-powered devices that project a laser beam onto your target. They lead to faster target acquisition at close range and mid-range, which is the most important item on the list of handgun laser sight pros and cons. If you want to increase your response times and shoot more confidently, a laser sight might be just what you need. 

Pro: More Accurate Shots

The other main pro of a laser sight is that it’ll help you improve the accuracy of your shooting. Most of our customers report immediate improvements in their shooting accuracy once they’ve installed one of our lasers.

Pro & Con: Best in Low-Light Conditions

The next most important handgun laser sights pros and cons involve your lighting conditions. A typical laser sight uses safe, relatively low-power lasers. This means laser sights are best suited for low-light conditions such as:

  • Indoor shooting
  • Twilight or nighttime shooting
  • Foul weather shooting

Are laser sights beneficial in the daytime? Generally speaking, there is little benefit to using a laser sight in broad daylight, as it greatly reduces visibility. However, green laser beams are a little more visible than red ones.

Pro & Con: Battery Power

Since laser sights are battery-powered, they can go anywhere your firearm can go. Of course, this means you’ll have to replace the battery from time to time.

At LaserMax we make it as quick and easy as possible to do this, but the realities of replacing the battery are still one of the inevitable mixed-bag handgun laser sights pros and cons.

  • Free Battery: By the way, all of our laser sights come with a fresh battery included! Some even come with a spare. We also sell battery replacements.

Pro: Different Types Available

To give you the most flexibility and choice, we make three different types of laser guides:

Rail and trigger guard laser sights have more room, which allows for additional perks like bigger batteries, flashlight add-ons, and our patented GripSense™ instant laser activation.

Pro: Easy to Install

Are laser sights worth it if installation is going to be a nightmare? Thankfully, you don’t have to find out. Every LaserMax laser sight uses a simple design with easy installation. Check out our YouTube page for installation videos.

Hopefully, this list of handgun laser sight pros and cons helps you to decide. If you’re ready to shoot more confidently, shop our laser sights now.

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